Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Benefits of Water

Couple days ago, i had to take a bussiness trip from Surabaya to Jakarta. I got the first flight to jakarta at 6.00 am. After arrived at Jakarta, i had to attend a meeting with my client. The meeting take place until 16.00 pm. After that i had to take a taxi to take me at Gambir Station because i had to take a train and go to my home sweet home at Bojonegoro. The train trip take 12 hours. Oh my God, Could you imagine for full day off i just sit down and rarely walking or stand up. It causes backpain. I just have to buy bottles of water and drink it. Alhamdulillah, my backpain is reduced.
Many benefits of consuming of water. Which are : 1. Increase energy 2. Detoxification ( remove toxin from our body) 3. Maintain our body weight 4. Make our skin keep healthy 5. Maintain our digest system 6. Increasing brain function 7. Expediting blood circulation from the heart to all of part of our body And many more the benefits of consuming water.
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