Thursday, February 5, 2009

8 tips to attract of Mother and father in law

Relationship between son/ daughther in law with mother/ father in law is a complicated problems. Check 8 tips here to keep relationship with in law to stay harmonic.

1. praise your spouse attitutede. This thing as undirectly, is also praising candidate in law, because all of the attitude is education from his/her parent.

2. Limit your first meeting with your candidate of mother and father in law so that they will surpressed and they want to know more about you.
3. Notice what is their best name. you can call them “bapak or Ibu”, or just “Om or Tante”
4. Send gratefull thanks in a sweet card
5. don’t ever give critics your spouse in front of his parents.
6. love his/ her family’s pets.
7. if you visit your spouse’s family, attent if maybe there is something that you can help. The point is always find a way to serve them.
8. always tell the news about many things, such as your prestation, your activities etc.
9. always communicate. If you live far away from your father and mother in law, arrange schedule to call them by phone. Your attention to them can not priced by money
10. say thank you
the important things is don’t ever forget to say thank you to your father and mother in law that have raised special person, someone that you have married with.




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