I have worked at this company for about 3 years. It is a company that supply engineering for design of Heat Exchanger. It is not a easy work. I have to work hard to finish my job although I have to take an overtime until 10.30 pm. Yeah…I also have to study more about my job and find many article about my job.
When I was browsing about articles, I found this incredible site, Course Hero. I can also find many article about my college’s subject, Chemical engineering. There I can learn more about engineering that I could not understand when I was take my college. I can find many CHEM lecture note and CHEM textbook Solution here. I had many problem when i took my CHEM Lab, but at course Hero i can find solution to find many difficult word for my CHEM Lab class. Your CHEM Lab will success and you will also get a good point.Just find out your CHEM Lab Problem at Course Hero, and you will get the solution there. Course Hero is an open social learning network for students, educator and self learners to publish, share and view academic resources online. Course hero also focuses its product and services on undergraduate and graduate student and providing a unique opportunity to share their knowledge and teach each other.
The mission of Course hero is to enhance college education to new heights by enchancing a student’s theoretical (textbook) understanding with a student’s direct application of such theories in today’s real-life examples. By joining Course hero’s social learning network, you will get many benefits which is .: you can get millions of lecture note for a missed class, for example : you did not attending your Chemical class at fall 2008, in course hero, you can find CHEM lecture note. You can also get over 200000 textbook solution right now. If you have difficulty with your chemical homework and need the solution so that you can accelerate your learning, don’t worry, you can find CHEM textbook solution here. When you will take your CHEM exam, don’t worry, you can study less and learning more with CHEM textbook solution and CHEM lecture noteprovided here, so that you will get A+ for your score. By joining Course hero you can also meet over 300000 students and your fellow classmates. And the good news is anyone with facebook account can access and view documents posted on Course Heero once they have either contributed course-related documents (for which they have the right to upload), invite friend and/or become a monthly subscriber, because Course Hero is a facebook application partner.
Course hero is a great new research tool for college students. It is also an educational innovation and potentially an educational revolution. students learn best from other students, their peers, and the teacher. So I have to start looking for article for my assignment right now.
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