Thursday, July 23, 2009

Orange Juice can make your heart healthier

Want to avoid heart disease? Try to consume a glass of orange juice every day. Orange juice contains hesperidin, known as flavonoid compound, which can improve blood vessel function and lower risk of heart disease.

Research shows, flavonoid cells make healthy blood vessel function endothial work so well. Interference in the cells will cause taps this vein, the main cause of heart attack and stroke. you can also find flavonoid in grape, red wine, green tea, and chocolate.

In a study on the orange juice, the researchers involved 24 healthy people exposed to the risk of blood vessel disease. They requested 500 mililiter drinking orange juice every day or drink a drink that riched with 292 milligram of hesperidin. A glass of orange juice / 500 millimeter is equivalent to 292 milligram hesperidin. During the research, the respondents consume the drink for a full month.

And The result is, they are who consume or drink orange juice that riched with hesperidin, has endhotial function better and more stable blood pressure. Results of this study will be presented in the annual meeting of the American Heart Associations Basic Cardiovascular Science.


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