This morning, i have a plan to cook beef teriyaki, so i went to the traditional market. But the beef's seller is not there. and the situation at traditional market is very quite. It is because today they still "Mudik" Lebaran in their own hometown. so i Just bought chicken and will replace beef to chicken to cook chicken teriyaki.
i have found many recipes of beef teriyaki in internet and to prepare chicken teriyaki, i just make it simple just like beef teriyaki recipe.
All you just need to prepare is : white onion, bombay onion, salt, pepper, water, chicken, and Teriyaki Sauce ( you can easily find it at the market"
Cook it is very easy. shatter white onion and fry it with bombay onion into frier. after that enter chicken (you can cut it into small pieces) at frier, then you can add some water and last, you can add the important thing which is Teriyaki Sauce.
Cook it until done.
and after that you can enjoy lovely chicken teriyaki
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