This is my first lebaran as a wife. Plan to "Mudik" is very lovely. i have to visit my husband's hometown first and then i can go to my hometown with my husband. I went to Bojonegoro, my husband's hometown at Saturday, the next day is ied Day, we had spent many times to visit our relatives and taste their cooking, hehehehhe...lovely activities. the next day, the whole family went to Blora, middle east, one of "very-very" village in Indonesia. It is because the condition of the village is very "village", you just can find cows, goat and house made from wood. the street is very rough, make your journey is not running well. but so far, the journey is lovely because i can feel another situation except from my home town.
Tuesday, me and my husband went to Mojokerto, my grams's hometown, from there, i continue my journey to my lovely hometown, probolinggo, and the next day, wednesday, i went to Surabaya, my home. it is very tired journey, but it is fun. today, i have to continue my work :)
nice good..lebaran in village is good and very happy
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